Tonight - YouTube Live | Coronavirus COVID-19 Update #3 | March 22nd

March 22, 2020Greetings Church,

I trust this message finds you making the best of the coronavirus disruptions. Though we may be apart physically during this season, I am grateful and encouraged by the way our CitySalt community has been finding creative ways to connect with one another.

I want to personally invite you to join us TONIGHT @ 5:30pm for our CitySalt Church live stream on YouTube for a 30-45 minute “service” aiming to connect and encourage us throughout the current Coronavius disruption.

You can tune-in with us online each Sunday at 5:30pm in the following ways:

You may notice we are going in a slightly different direction. We will continue to explore a variety of tools and ideas for this time in the weeks ahead but have decided to use YouTube instead of Facebook since there is no account required to access the content making it more accessible for the greatest number of people.

In the days ahead, I understand that we will be dealing with a constant state of uncertainty regarding the health and economic impact of this pandemic. This will likely test our resilience and trust in God’s provision, protection and ever-present care through this season. I encourage you to keep prioritizing efforts to maintain your own spiritual, emotional and physical health as you provide necessary care for loved ones, neighbors and co-workers.

CitySalt will continue to use our website, Facebook page, YouTube and group emails to provide you with updates as more information is available regarding events, creative connections, or practical ways to serve those in need.

If you have any questions, ideas, solutions or would like to request a meeting with a pastor, please feel free to contact Mike D’Eliso at (541) 632-4182 or

I look forward to gathering with you online this evening. Join us!

Looking Up,

Pastor Dusty
(on behalf of our Church Council and Leadership Team)

I’ve kept my feet on the ground,
I’ve cultivated a quiet heart.
Like a baby content in its mother’s arms,
my soul is a baby content.
Wait, Israel, for God. Wait with hope.
Hope now; hope always!
~Psalm 131:2-3 The Message

A few reminders:

Prayer Requests - As needs arise, you are welcome to share prayer requests that can be forwarded to our intercessory prayer team. You may send requests to Pastor John Rice by completing the CitySalt Online Pray Request Google form.

Phone Tree Check-Ins - As a proactive expression of care, we are in the process of mobilizing a team of people who will be calling and texting those in our church directory to stay connected and informed as to each other's needs. Be expecting a call in the days ahead. If you don’t hear from us, there is a chance that we don’t have your information. To be sure, you can complete the CitySalt Connection Card via Google forms to share your information with us.

YouTube Live Video Stream - This resource allows users to stream live video through YouTube and will be new territory for us. We will be exploring this tool and hopefully using it to keep you connected and encouraged in creative ways. No YouTube account is required. Here is the link to connect.

Social Media Support - Our leaders will continue to explore and implement social media tools that enable us to connect online for Triads, Bible Studies and other group meetings. If you need assistance with setting up and using your smartphone, tablet or computer to connect through one of these apps, feel free to call our church line at (541) 632-4182 or email at

Benevolence Fund - There will likely be financial needs that will arise for individuals and families as this health crisis impacts our economy. In addition to your regular giving to support CitySalt, you can make a tax-deductible contribution specifically to the Benevolence Fund, that is dedicated to providing assistance to those with practical needs. To make an online contribution, you can visit CitySalt Give. Or, if you prefer to write a check it can be mailed to CitySalt Church PO Box 5830 Eugene, OR 97405.