"How to Survive a Spiritual Earthquake" by Lee Scnabel

Listen along as Lee Schnabel shares an interactive method of dialogue via the Christian Dialogue Education (CDE) method with CitySalt Church. The message that the church explores is how to survive a spiritual earthquake by looking to God in the scriptures (found in Mark 4:35-41). God's response ultimately tells us everything we need to know to build our faith. 

"Celebrating Work: Giving Ourselves to Greater Purpose" by Dusty Johnson

Listen along as Pastor Dusty shares a message about following Jesus' example of being a priest, prophet, and king and our responsibility of modeling His way in our work place. How would our view of work change if we spent time praying for those who caused us annoyance on-the-job? How would we choose to behave in a position that we may be over-qualified for? Can we see interactions with others as Divine appointment instead of obstacles? 

"Celebrating Work: Who's the Boss?" by Dusty Johnson

Listen along as Dusty shares a message from the Gospel of Matthew about Jesus' assignment for our lives.  As we often follow the orders of an authority figure for the course of our actions at work, we learn that, as Christians, our ultimate boss and authority is God. He expects us to be fruitful with our gifts, no matter how great or small our talent.